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What can i eat south beach diet - what can i eat south beach fare

31-01-2017 à 20:44:54
What can i eat south beach diet
Be warned, if you buy this product you will be supporting the seedy world of gypsy traficking and exploitation of slave labour. I have never heard such a load of rubbish for a long time. Watchdog have done a lab test of this fish having had a few complaints. But most of the people of the people who contradicted the article seem to have more credible background info. It is characterized by fine white meat and admits quite popular. It tested very nice but since reading this article i dont think i am going to have any types of fish which is injected with dehydrated urine from pregnant women (yaki). Pangasius hypophthalmus has long been a staple food on the Mekong. Mercury becomes an issue only when consuming seafood at the higher end of the food chain. by the way I am from Czech republic. They suggested it could have been something else I ate which made me ill. Panga is farmed from Bangladesh to the Philippines. I must say, I fried the first batch in batter and it was delicious. I have travelled extensivly in Asia and although I understand the concerns of water quality this could not be imported without stringent testing. mercury attacks nervous systems so i wont be eating any fish from there. The process of making cooked and dried fish meal is safe and produces a highly nutritious part of the feed. I bought smoked River Cobbler from Tesco today for the first time and made it into a fish pie topped with creamy mashed potato. Im a Nigerian prince by the way and my father recently died in a plane crash. Just read about the levels of mercury in the same river the river cobbler comes from wich is killing a rare dolphin. Please advice because many of my friends and family have been buying this for quite some time already. What a propaganda started most likely by a jealous envious Anglo-centric UmmmmMmmmmmumer. These expensive tank reared fish are sold live to wet markets or dressed to posh restaurants and hotels (maybe exported as well). I bought some from Tescos last week so they do still stock it. If whoever wrote this rubbish wont publish their name, their qualifications, their sources, scientific research then its not worth believing at all. My fish was kept properly, cooked properly and I have a food hygiene certificate due to my job. It is heartening to see the increasing positive and objective comments about this wonderful fish. Since then I never like to take meat or chicken floss any more. The raw fish was good because it has no bones and had a firm texture. In a careful reading, perhaps the sensible people understand that this is a classic libel. Other reported side effects are difficulties sleeping and daytime sleepiness, bad breath, and dehydration. Unless you know the fisherman, can you ever really know how healthy your seafood is. I am going straight to my fridge and now throwing it away. I bought this fish from my local Tesco for the first time and tried it on Saturday. I thought it was farmed somewhere in Europe as I ate it a couple of. A point raised earlier was that this fish has a large carbon footprint. I was searching on the internet for a good river cobblers recipe. I come from Louisiana, and was raised on Catfish and assorted shellfish. Fresh-water fishes are always grown together with pigs and market gardening activities. Never attempt to delay or skip meals if you are pregnant, have had, or are prone to eating disorders or diabetes. I also ask all readers to check out this news article on carbon footprints and how countrys must stop relying on other nations to support their consumption. I have been serving this to my family for several months already. Our packer of fresh and frozen fish is fully certified (HACCP, BRC, IFS), and is under constant veterinary supervision. Pangas are fed food that comes from Peru, their hormones come from China and finally, they are transported from Vietnam. If anybody does fall ill please raise the alarm. They wrote on the menu just a fish (I remind that I had not eaten any food before). So one must first determined if the source of water is safe. It is delicious and I have never had any ill effects at all. However, it is easy to complain about something that one does not like, after learning about its origins. I have purchased this fish on many occasions, it works well in many recipes. It came on a skewer, like a satay, on a bed of dried tomatoes, olives and pesto. Maybe this is a bad rumour similar to aspartame (artificial sweetening agent) where someone or organisation got jealous and said all the bad things about aspartame and that it causes cancer. I personally dont eat fish from the farms especially in countries where the governements did not come to the point to insure food safety regulations. However, today may be noted that in 4 products Pangas were identified deficiencies in the description, but it was not oo health threats. There must be something about this fish that gets certain people into this horrendous stage. Do you think France is so naive that they do not know about this. Please see BBC Link, this fish was investigated in April 2009 on BBC Watchdog and nothing harmful was found. Any correspondence from Tesco I will post up here. There is a lot of hysteria concerning this fish, and much of it has its origins in the self-interest of catfish farmers (especially in the USA), who are really feeling the competition. After hearing about Mekong river and the condition of these fishes. A letter was received from the store informing me after investigations with suppliers there were no adverse organolepic comments for the day in question and raw materials are not allowed to be used within production without the receipt of a positive release note from suppliers. Panga also eat lots of soya beans, mainly import from USA and Canada. Bassa is in fact a wonderful fish to eat and is so clean and palatable. Fishfarming is a disgusting business akin to battery farming of chickens, or the use of veal crates, but with less ethical controls and added pollution factors. Shipping the feed materials and the finish product by sea in large container ships has a relatively low carbon footprint per tonne of finished product. The Pangasius fish is a fish among all others. Sticking to a regimen for two days a week is more achievable than seven days, so you are more likely to persevere with this way of eating and successfully lose weight. I ate the fish this saturday today is tuesday and i still got the red marks and itching on me. Tesco and their suppliers have audited the farms and we are confident that the river cobbler are of excellent quality and totally safe to eat. Another time when on holiday in spain we had bacon which smelled strong of fish, it was putrid, again the result of the pigs being fed fish scraps. 30am, felt absolutely terrible with stomach cramps, diarrhoea and dizziness. All I can tell you as a family of 3, none of us have had any ill effects- However will watch and wait. no one touches the stuff now. Most like the same idots that under cook food on the bar b. The mercury is concentrated in such types of fish. It is a very good mild fish which grows quickly and efficiently on a plant based diet. These days with land shortages, cat-fishes are grown in concrete tanks between rows of poultry houses in esp. Panga is farmed in the areas where they are also caught in the wild. The river cobbler are filleted and frozen in modern factories that are of a very high standard and they use clean drinking quality water to wash the fish during the process. By any case of problems, the containers are rejected. 4 million MT of that fish every year to 107 countries. I have yet to find a single case of food poisoning or a substantiated case of contamination of Bassa from any authoritive source. The company I worked for served Bassa 3 times a week to a camp of over 300 men and not once did we recieve and bad comments. There is nothing wrong with this fish and I challange the owners of this website to provide documented, independant and reliable evidence of these outlandish claims or have the guts to take down this article. What you have said to readers is causing something like a panic effect. The farming operation provides employment to many thousands of people who would otherwise not have the same quality of work and life. On Friday evening we bought fish and chips from the takeaway, when we opened the paper the smell was overwhelming. In fairness three others eating the fish did not suffer any ill efects. I use gadgets that can only come from the East and I drive vehicles whose components were sourced from all over the world. Excellent. Never had such a delayed reaction to eating anything before and I do not have a weak stomach. This rubbish is from some Vegan nut who wants people to stop eating fish etc. Panga in the farms are not injected with any hormones so you need not be concerned. Why dont people think, who wrote this article. Big grocery stores have also failed the public trust. It is just common sense and what you read on the Internet is not exaggeration but some kind soul cautioning you to be aware of such an incident. One time in the UK i bought eggs which smelled realy putrid and were inedible, they smelled strongly of fish, obviously due to the chickens being fed scraps of fish. But after eating it we just felt sick: we vomited, we had diarrhea and we did not not why was it. I immediately thought of this fish as I know places that sell it so it is worth further investigation and I may even consider using it as a research topic. In November 2000, a delegation of nearly 20 members including professors from the Auburn University (Alabama State) and American catfish raising and processing companies made a fact-finding tour of Vietnam. This is a fine fish, i cant understand how some people can be so thick. I eat this fish at least once a week, steamed with garlic and lime, it is delicious. It was very nice and I recommend it to anybody. or whatever your name is now). I find it very difficult to belive this fish would cause such acute cases of Gastroenteritus unless the guts of the fish had been consumed too. It is unfortunate that the people who claim to have gotten ill (food poisioning) blaim the problem on the species rather than the far more obvious cause of how the fish was kept stored, how long it was left on the shelves ect. All you people claiming to have had ill effects seem to have cooked it at home, you have probably eaten it from your chippy for years. Learn to cook, spend some money, get a life and stop giving out bull that you cannot backup with proof. Its very tasty that I bought 2 bags of river cobbler fillets and 1 bag of basa fillets. My husband has eaten this on 2 occasions and been violently ill both times. This has been understood for a long time. I spent 4 months in Vietnam on Pangasius farm and I can say that some information are totally wrong. I am really fussy what meat i eat at the best of times and never buy it from a supermarket. Farmers grew delicious FUJI APPLES (taste much better than WASHINGTON)in China using human poohs. SE Asia. The EU has the highest standards in the world for illegal chemicals, compounds, and antibiotics. Are you saying that the French government is stupid enough to allow its importation without verifying its quality. The waitress told us it was Pangasius, so I did a google search. I am rather concerned after reading this page however I have purchased this fish on several occasions and have even prepared this for my 80 year old mother with no adverse affect. Have been buying this fish from Tesco for about 6 months now. Whilst at their website I also found an information page on Basa. The Mekong river has now been classified by the WWF as the river of life and is now closely monitored. So i will no longer eat this fish, because i think that its POISONOUS and many people are making money, selling it on such low price. Im not put off by this. Then there is no link between pregnant woman urine and hormones which are used for induced spawning. Now, 24 hours later, both of us are completely fine. Alcohol support Contraception guide Couch to 5K running plan Fitness Healthy eating Lose weight Sexual health Stop smoking Strength and Flex Stress, anxiety and depression Tiredness and fatigue Weight loss plan. I eat it on a regular basis and have bever been ill ever. Pangas are teeming with high levels of poisons and bacteria. I would not be too concerned about immediate illness however I am very concerned, should it prove toxic, as to the long term health hazard to humans and pets. There is also the polution and global warming effects from the shipping required to transport these fish. 80% of exportation are to EUA. I had no idea of other people having had problems with eating this fish until I looked online into this and found the item on Watchdog about the numerous complaints about people going sick from eating these fish. in Europe, captured these substances and goods returned to Vietnam. This practice is common with all species of fish farming including Salmon. Only the naive and simple can be lead like sheep by them, what is better both are in minority. I bought chicken from Morrisons and had diarrhoa afterwards. I bought frozen Pangassius from Farmfoods 2 weeks ago. Tesco, Sainsburys etc have all been on news reports for selling rotton or substandard meat products. It is a ultra good informations on poluted foods, espoecially those popular ones. They are fed in a good river, with well-chosen food. About 90% of european shrimp consuption are coming from more or less same waters. and I just realized last night that its from Vietnam. How can they enter the US market and make American fisheries life miserable if Panga is a poison fish. This is a delicious fish and I maintain a stock in my own freezer for soups and sautee tacos and sandwiches. Well, as a consumer, I know I am responsible for a lot of these emmissions by purchasing clothes clearly indicating their Asian origin. River Cobbler was still on sale in Sleaford Tesco yesterday 16th June. It really frighten me that I end up throwing all 3 bags in the trash. And blame the shop, or they are cheap wads and by stuff that is near out of date, i have a sister that buys chicken near the sale by or of the odds and sods counter when she is doing a bar b. Commercial feeds are used to feed fish in aquaculture and use feed formulation technology to ensure a balanced diet for the specie. I have been violently ill three times in the past 6 months. in particular official food warnings and or actual cases of food poisoning. My wife has eaten fish her whole life and recently tried tilapia. There is nothing pleasant about industrial farming but the finished product is clean, blast frozen, and of highest quality. I suggest continue eating the fish but change where you purchase it from. It is unfortunate that the ignorance of some people can change the perception of something foriegn into something less desirable and create fear in the eyes of the mainstream, maybe that speaks for our world as a whole and the problems there in. As with Tilapia and Basa, which also used to be very inexpensive when first introduced, the price will probably go up as this fish gains popularity. On each occasion it was only me that was ill, but my reaction was extreme. We never had any complains regarding getting sick or ill. If this fish was being bred and raised in vietnam and then shipped to the UK surely it would cost a lot more about 5 times as much infact. Try it for yourself- you will love it. As you know, pangasius is now one of the most popular fish on the Czech market. The liability is too much to shoulder should anything bad happen. Chicken is another example of Asia producing a lot of what we eat, most times, unknowingly. I had ate vietnamese river cobblers (pangasius) before. plant proteins, animal proteins, grains, etc. Watch this Report on Pangas (in French) (Video excerpt from Capitale on M6, which aired about 3 months ago). The one that makes fisherman throw dead fish back into the sea if they overcatch, rather than reduce their next catch. Did the person who wrote the article visit any processing plants in Vietnam. Aquaculture is a growing business in order to curb our worlds need for wild fish, if we hunted animals on lan at the same pace we caught wild fish people would think we were crazy. I think I will give it a go and then not buy it in the future. River cobbler brows better in the farms simply because it is fed consistently nutritious diets at the optimum feeding rate for growth without waste. Obviously I will never knowingly eat it again, but am very concerned that the elderly infirm or young children could suffer the same or even fatal syhmptomsn from eating it. I ate this fish with my family since i was a little child. I am eating this right now and was so impressed that I had to Google it- and this page came up. Finally the first point the author made may possibly have some weight but should probably be of no more concern to any one than eating any other substrate dwelling fish (plaice, sole and turbot) and certainly less of a concern than eating filter feeding molluscs (clams, mussels, oysters etc. He bakes it with butter, salt and pepper. I ate this fish sometime, good for me, no bad effect. Well, I had the Pangasius for dinner as promised. I encourage you to try pangasius before you judge it, and learn the truth behind it from different sources before you go on assuming that one person (a propogandist) is 100% correct. She is OCD about fish and will wash it out first. Waited more weeks, went back to bigT, saw the manager, found the package in their cold store, got promise of rapid action. I ate this fish (bought in Tesco) for the first time last night and two or three hours later started to feel really, really ill. I sailed up the Mekong Delta last year and can vouch for how dirty it is. I have never heard of anyone not feeling well after eating one. I will post again when I receive further feed back from the store. The roots of the water-plants act as a filter and purifier before water are allow to go to the next pond where fish are reared. They are raised in strictly monitored clean water ponds. This is the old story of an unfair war generated by interest-conflict competitors in Europe as well as the Association of Catfish Farmers of America (CFA). The Pangasius fish offers a sustainable solution to the food and protein needs of a growing human population which has already exhausted the natural supply of our planet. You cant because this fable is designed to remove dollars from your pocket not contamination from the seas and rivers. I am french and I also saw this documentary. The tide is tuning on the chauvinistic scaremongers. I made a wonderful and cheap dinner for 6 people with this fish and NONE of us had any food poisoning, no stomachache or diahrea. Either that fish was polluted in some way or it is more likely than other similar fish to cause allergies. The process used to farm these river cobbler fish is absolutely appalling. It resulted in me having one of the most violent bouts of diarhea that I have ever had, and lasted a long time. Please be cautious when dealing with this food. Hormones from humans are presumably used as they are more readily available (and cheaper) than those from other animals. Now, most fish that are farmed are carnivores and need to suppliment their diet (fish feed) with natural fish. I made it myself. I try to protect the fish against as follows. My parents both in there 80s often have the fish and chips, they say the fish is the best they have had for a long time. I have eaten this fish twice and both occasions 3-4 hours later violently vomitted for 5-6 hours. I would treat this article with some suspission. If you suspect Vietnamese food, just report it to French government and ask them to act accordingly. Fish in Europe, later forbidden), in the past for some supplies Pangas. They only are concerned about selling as many pangas as possible to unsuspecting consumers. It was a reminder to tell you about the dangers of this strange but increasingly popular fish. Hormones are used in ALL fish and meat farming operations. (Selfish people). come on people. I do suffer from various blood problems, pernicious anemia, low platelet amongst a few, but since eating this fish on a regular basis, once or twice a week, (along with exercise regular fruit intake etc,) I dont have to have injections for b12, and I have to say feel better in myself, whether psycological I dont know, but if you listen to all of the bumf we are fed you wouldnt eat anything. First it comes from a sensation magazine (not information) on M6. Whilst I do not doubt the validity of the illness claims, the issue is over a sustainable food source to meet consumer needs. I have purchased this type of fish from Tesco on many occasions in the last twelve months and have always found it cheap and delicious, I have never been ill as a result of eating it. My family have never eaten this fish, I knew straightaway that it was river cobbler. Due to the length of the journey there is the potential for mistakes to occur. I have eaten cobbler on a number of occasions in this country and the far east, its ok and pretty good eating. What do you think they feed Salmon and Bass that are farmed. I have had a strange underying pain in my stomach after eating the smoked cobbler. This page has been interesting if nothing else. As science proved that Pangasius is good for health with DHA and Omega3. I recommend people try it wrapped in tinfoil and stuck on the barbeque, just be sure to pierce the foil at the bottom a few minutes before you take it off the heat. Tesco wrote back to me in 24 hours saying that they were investigating my request and would get back to me soon. Just about to have this fish for the first time (could do with a good shit feeling a bit bloated) looks good smells good and is gonna taste good. My grandson (4) absolutly loves smoked fish poached in butter and milk with bread and butter. Bought it 2 days ago, looked for a recipe and found this site. vomiting, rash diarrheao), were all found to have some sort of allergic reaction to bottom feeding fish and crustaceans, but not to other fish like Tuna or Salmon. In addition, since 1999 US FDA has been regularly sent findings of such inspection reports on the quality of the water in aqua-culture areas of Vietnam and the findings on the control of toxic residue in Pangasius raised in Vietnam. The owner and cafeteria workers raved about and tasty it is fried. My husband, friends, and I have eaten this fish on at least 5 different occasions, and not ONCE has there been a problem, other than we eat too much, because it is so delicious. After all this industry began only ten years ago. The same goes for these fish, it all depends on the supplier and what diet they are fed. This negative onslaught is part of the bigger campaign to grow and protect the US market for products and commodities that provide a lifeline for the poor countries. If I had any reason to believe, that people get sick or it would be dangerous to my and my customers health, I would take this fish immediately off my Menue. The river cobbler grown in the hatcheries, to produce the eggs needed to stock the farms, are sometimes injected with hormones to stimulate spawning, not growth. There is this old, old story that fly fishermen that use pubic hairs from a mensurating woman when making flies attract more bites. The fish has been tested by a lab on behalf of the tv programme watchdog. Now your gonna say that their stomachs are immune. My face had blown up like a balloon and i had red itching marks all over my body again. Do pangasia further for cheaper goods added additives (additives) that the fish muscle build more water. I find it quite irresponsible to put out false news and have people starting to boycott this industry. Company Nowaco of course closely examines the quality control and health of their products. When I enquired abouy cooking it I was told to treat it like cod. Dehydrated Urine: The author actually stated that the female fish were injected with this. The translation of the movie is different than the comment of the french journalist. Two days after, I went to the restaurant to ask what fish it was. Whatever you believe in, there is certainly food for thought here. In order to do this millions of natural andchovies are caught ground up and made into a powder and added to soy and compressed into feed balls. The working conditions are very good and he rates of pay are higher than the alternative employment in the area. Keep eating this fish, it is thos in the European and western fishing industry that want to scare you into not eating cheap imported fish but to instead buy their more expensive product. BTW, my wife and I just enjoyed Vietnamese River Cobbler from Tesco. All LOTs are controlled before leave Vietnam, and it is guaranted ( certified ), that no chemicals, parasites, bacteria found. I often see huge fish kills in Australia from substances such as detergent spills or even once a milk spill into a pond. Tescos are still selling the cobbler and it is very cheap. However I ate some more the following weekend and the same happened again except this time i was also vomitting and had stomach pains. We can grow soy and turn it into feed and grow pangasius forever causing it to be sustainable. The US have even heightened their acceptance parameters to protect their local channel catfish industry and still pangasius fillets find their way in their supermarkets. I ate the fish, and apart from being bland, it was ok. Find me an authority who can show and prove that the Vietnamese supplied Bassa is any more contaminated than our local Bream or tuna and I will eat my hat. I bought this fish from asda, recommended by the. Let see how Vietnamese could export around 1. It was tender, nice and flaky in texture and a cheap smoked haddock substitute. Fish in general are prone to bacteria just by improper handling, so do take extra care when buying and cooking. Two hours later I began to feel bloated and felt very nauseous, and this went on for a few hours, and the next day I experienced what seemed to be bad indigestion. A small proportion of the feed is made from the sustainably managed South American fisheries that ensures the river cobbler have both a sustainable diet and that the feed contains the best quality nutrients including this important Omega 3 rich fish. Human and animals solid wastes are captured and digested for organic farm fertilizer (manure)before liquid from the waste goes into pond number one. Then I saw where it came from and how cheap it was and alarm bells rang. I think it is very unfair to generalize that all panga fish if farmed in that same river. Maybe people who get sick try to put the blame on this fish, maybe they should look deeper and find the real reason. The smell itself was a bit wierd almost like amonia but i cooked it anyway but as soon as put in my mouth spat it out as it tasted as it smelled. I tend to toss mine in seasoned flour, dip it in egg and roll in natural breadcrumbs. The reasons are that the Mekong River is one of the most polluted rivers on the planet and this is where pangas are farmed and industries along the river dump chemicals and industrial waste directly into it. I hope the people who have made comments do not suffer any ill effects,but I will never buy this fish again. Both my husband and I preferred the cobbler as it was tastier. I will continue to buy and eat it, as it is also about the least fishy tasting fish I have ever bought. You know, VN farmer is poor, and please do not kill them by this way. I have cooked cobbler this way on a number of occassions. g. I had a feeling that the fish was from the Mikong River. I live in Solihull and chose the fish off the menu in a local pub that has got a great reputation for fish dishes, the Winged Spur in Ullenhall. I know at least a dozen other people who have eaten it with no ill effects. Speaking for myself, I have yet to regurgitate any remnants of intoxicated fish. However, I do dream that one day we might have a truly International Union, supporting each other and working in harmony. If the female fish are injected in these farms, how do they go about doing it. Also, do you really think that this is being sold all over the country and most people who eat it are being violently ill. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2. The texture is a bit like tail end of cod i think. Another important factor is the fact that it is a fish, originating essentially from farmed game animals, nestravuje therefore, as is the case in wild caught species. My grandkids love it and I have no intention of stopping serving this meal. The guts and bladder of the fish is where all the nasty bacteria lies and they are removed from the fish before being filleted and packaged. Waste and pollution from fishfarms is destroying large areas of aquatic ecosystems worldwide. Dont be so gullible to believe this tripe. Recently we discovered that many of the popular products sold here are dangerous for our health, and there are many artificial foods, which are not natural. I have been in touch with customer services at Tesco head office and they are investigating the fish and its source. The cost of fish oil products has risen significantly. My husband and I have eaten Pangasius frozen fillets from Tesco several times but we have never been sick and thoroughly enjoyed them each time. The fish are then prepared in local factories providing more local employment and value to the local economy. Shipping the feed materials and the finished product by sea in large container ships has a relatively low carbon foot print per tonne of finished product. The rate of exchange of water is huge bec of the monsoon rains. Anyone out there that is about to buy this fish. The clarity of water having nothing to do with human pollution. Now Tesco WOULD NOT sell this fish if indeed it was harmful to eat. I was part way through it when I started reading and thought should I carry on eating or bin it, I ate it all and enjoyed it again. I have bought smoked river cobbler every week for the last couple of month. I believe that they are currently putting together some solid regulations in regards to the Panga aquaculture industry. If you looked at the video (obviously you do not understand French) it would have explained the complete process of the farming of fish in Vietnam. Fishes reared are various carp species, cat-fish, snake-heads. Some of the stupid silly arsed comments on here really show how dumb some people are. They made thorough surveys of the actual conditions of feeding and farming Pangasius fish in floating cages and inland ponds, including Pangasius processing plants in Mekong delta. Also this is mothing like the BSE, cows were fed cows, t hat was wrong. The afctories are working with all certificates of quality issued by EUA and EU. I have visited a site in Kenya that produce french beans for Tesco. Use your eyes and noses thats what they are for. Being a salmon farmer myself I googled this cobbler. I have continued to enjoy various kinds of white fish, shellfish and salmon since then, with no kind of reaction and can only conclude that basa fish was to blame. My wife and I have been eating River Cobbler for many months now, at least once a week, and have had no ill effects at all. Fish from every pond are tested before harvest for both microbiological and chemical contaminants and the Vietnamese authorities carry out random sampling all checks are readily available from the sites at any time. I bought it four days ago and after eating it I have been feeling sick and uncomfortable also vomiting. The people I have met or introduced to catfish, and then had a reaction (i. It is very tasty, especially with dash of lemon juice. However, if the standard is exceeded, such a product can be considered harmful. On the other hand my husband who is a fish lover, always comments on the difference in taste, when cobbler is used. This practice is regulated and safe and no hormones are carried over into the eggs. The river cobbler is grown in ponds alongside the river and the water is pumped intro settling ponds first to remove any silt. Id eatn sum of thiz phish an I got bad guts man the stinck in the looz was way bad for days. Had panganis last night at a local restaurant in Bristol. We had been eating this regulary untill we found the cobbler, which tastes and looks exactly the same as the tillipia, the cobbler I suspect is of the tillipia species. I cooked my Boyfriend and I this fish several times. Watchdog has had several emails about a fish called river cobbler which is on sale at Asda and Tesco. To be honest even if it did have any contaminent in it you would have to eat a fair amount to make any difference to you. Pangasius is a highly regulated and controlled species, that is subjected to rigorous checks at both the point of farming processing through to the point of sale. I can assure you it was the fish that made us ill,through a matter of elimination this was the only food that could have been responsible. Even worse, i just noticed the use by date was yesterday. It can be affected as to how and where it is grown however the Vietnamese have among the highest quality processing plants in the world and standards have been implemented to ensure adherence to sustainable production protocols. I am about to have this fish for dinner tonite. I found this site because I googled the fish name, BECAUSE my mate and I just served the tesco fish fillets to our 4 little boys and we all agreed they were really delicious. I had been meaning to look up River Cobbler because I wanted to learn of the origins of it. Any recommended sushi recipes I could try with pangasius. The fact is all these negative publicity is killing the fishing industry in poor countries like Vietnam. fish like this are needed to enable us to continue to eat fish products. Many East Asian and Indo-chinese cultures have survived eating fresh-water fishes for eons. The same cannot be said of salmon or tuna. This fish was the only new thing in my diet to previous days, so no doubt this caused the effects and it was not allergy. Farmed fish are not raised in the Mekong River and incidentally the Mekong river is snow melt from the Himalayas and is a fast flowing river it is probably less polluted that many US or European rivers. Normally it is used in France too, in all fish farms, or offshore farms. Bunch of idots, if this fish is so bad for you i think that it would have been stop long ago. I have never been sick or ill caused by this fish. Speaking for my customers, they keep returning BECAUSE of the tasty almost hard egg white flavored fish. I eat a lot of fish but have never had a reaction like this. Farm and processing factory are under the control of veterinarians from the EU and the EU have a reg number. They have not had it for about for 3 months and we are upset. I am unable to open a bank account in my country due to an argument over my 30 million dollar inheritence. This poorly written, inflammatory and completely inaccurate article could not be further from the truth. When I went to Vietnam, the nature gifted place so many French people working as consultants and also as technocrats. As well as meeting our needs as consumers, this fish represents employment for a regulated industry and the country that produces it. So I would like to ask everyone who got sick of this kind of imported fish not to be lazy and report the incident at FSA (link above) or at your local council. Raw materials are permanently controlled by the sensory laboratory. ) and I have to say that there is nothing different to how Pngasius is being raised or cultured. Any way i will not eat anymore this kind of fish. My family have been taking this fish for quite sometime now and have had no illness whatsoever. Was curious as to exactly what it was and here I am. If customers have to put something out, and the price, in the sense that in the case of frozen fish for the price of meat not buy water. My wife grilled the cobbler with butter and then crumbled white stilton on mine and blue stilton on hers, both were delicious. Cooked both haddock and cobbler fried in egg and breadcrumbs. There is a standard set by the EU, which is 0. Poultry carcasses are thoroughly boiled down and milled with poultry mesh to form a moist pellet to be fed to the fishes in the tanks. Myself and three children ate it without any side effects. I will certainly be getting back to Tesco now to complain about their selling a fish that has such a bad reputation. If it is truly fresh, It should have little or no smell at all. Does anybody know where I an find an affordable solution. Angry with those shops who sell them person Says. I ate Basa Fillets for the first time last week and was seriously ill about six hours later requiring A and E attendance. Hormones injected to female fish: it is an worldwide used method, to adjust the reproductive time. The river cobbler are safe to eat and free from the bacteria associated with food poisoning. However, with tight competition in international market, those firms are almost closed. For those who got health problem after eating Panga, please check the other dishes you ate before saying that Panga make you sick. There is such a rave about a particular type of fish in our local groceries here in the city of Manila, Philippines. This post should really be taken down and the blog operator taken to task or sued. I am eating some River Cobbler now for the first time. Use a library or an unbiased source, do not rely on wikipedia solely. However, I will question Asda regarding this fish and see what their comments will be. If fish are frozen and not otherwise identified, may contain water up to 5%. I ate it twice in two weeks (bought on two separate occasions) and was sick and had diarrhoea both times. Cooked it, ate it and we both enjoyed it. All ideal qualities in a food fish, but not in a pet one. But if the agency gets evidence from other sources too, it will definitely facilitate their investigation and gives them more power to act. I took a chance and bought 4 kilos of pangasius from my local Pakistani supermarket about 3 weeks ago. We serve this fish for more than 2 years now, it is a bestseller, because it is affordable and very tasty. I agree with those who state that most of what we eat is contaminated in some way. I think you are a knowledgeable person, but this blog does not show that. Find out how to lose weight the healthy way with our 12-week weight loss plan. coli, etc. It doesnt taste nice and I shall be contacting them over it. Better to raise our own food supply no doubt. They praised the technology and equipment for feeding, farming, food safety and hygiene conditions in processing plants. My brother eats shrimp and gets ill effect sometime. I choose this fish as others can, and have stated, choose not to buy it. Tasted like shit, either it had gone off or there is definately an after taste that is not fish flavour. The Mekong River is not heavily polluted as suggested. Maybe what one should avoid is food products from countries like Vietnam. A little actual information on the green issue. If you do not understand french then just say you did not understood everything on the documentary but here they show small fishing farming and big one and they try to show how they cultivate the fish in order to sell it in western countries. These informations which you read as above are completely not true. It was the absence of content polyphosphates on the packaging (albeit below the limit) and found lower meat content than the manufacturer declared. Tesco, and their suppliers have audited the farms and we are confident that Panga is of excellent quality and totally safe to eat. It comes from Vietnam and its proper name is pangasius. I am not convinced by the supposed response from Tesco since money has ruled this planet for so long, inevitably someone somewhere will eventually be taking shortcuts. We sent a fish we bought in Asda to a lab, where the scientists did five tests to see if they could find some of the things the internet reports suggested they would. All catfish eat crap and forage on the bottom infact most fish will eat almost anything. Maybe some of the posters on here should be looking at what they are eating in sausages instead of worring about this fish. In 2003 they won the war when US DOC (Department of Commerece) imposed very high anti-dumping duty rate upon our Pangasius products imported into US. I reckon this report was made by a cod trawlerman. That should then be followed by strick control opf catch which maintains a sustainable level of stock. The warnings here gave me slight concern, but as I compose this note my plate is clean and only the container went into the waste basket. So I thought I would research Pangasious Fish which is why I am here. please read the link above. I do not mean to go against you but I believe that your info is not that 100 percent reliable. My husband and I regularly eat this fish (had some last night) as it is one of the few fish that is easy to eat as it has no bones and it is very tasty. We live in Spain and eat Panga reguarly with no ill effects. However I would agree that it is far better to eat local fresh produce when at all possible for all of the already mentioned reasons. State Veterinary Administration CR zorganizovla two control actions in fish. The factories have to meet the same high standards that we require of our UK suppliers and they have been independently audited and approved. Family, friends and co-workers eat it all the time and have never gotten sick. We sent a fish we bought in Asda to a lab, where the scientists did five tests to see if they could find some of the things the internet reports suggested they would. It is a good fish to eat and I give it to my family and will continue to recommend to friends. They also work in with WWF and Marine Council and is clearly labelled that is from vietnam. If you are shown photos of fish in dirty looking waterways and canals these are fish produced by locals for their own consumption because they cannot afford the export quality farmed fish. Im a fishmonger and we sell a huge amount of this beautiful tasting fish and people come back time and time again. I will let you know if I become ill by it, which I doubt. I was at an hotel over the weekend and Pangasius was on the menu, I had never heard of it so I tried it. The BBC Watchdog programme, Tesco,Sainsbury and Government Labs have all checked this fish in labs and found no traces of anything harmful. I was just looking up info on the fish I have eaten and found this site. I did not vomit or got diarrhea but after having eaten one of the pieces I got bad stomach, felt very weak in 30-50 mins, my lymph nodes grew very big on both sides of my neck and could feel them when swallowing. We have overconsumed our own resources and are now using another country to maintain our need for cheap food. Those ill are bad luck, watch out your kitchen whether it is sanitary enough or not. They never use river cobbler to make river cobbler feed, it is all from sustainably managed fisheries in South America so the analogy with cows is completely incorrect. i would not eat it constantly because I like to eat other fish too. You can buy nice fresh wild Salmon caught from the River Severn. We would never be able to eat anything if we listened to all the scaremongers. Actually Saudi Arabia is also strict when it comes to products that are not Halal that enters the kingdom. One 2010 study found women placed on a 5:2 diet achieved similar levels of weight loss to women on a calorie-controlled diet, and were also less likely to develop chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. More scientifically many species of riverine fish respond to a surge of hormones in the water at certain times of year as a trigger to spawn themselves. That is why we have this internet campain against it. I acknowledge my responsibility in providing a market for this cheap fish. This is the biggest bullcrap i have ever read. The fact that we are all reading this is a clear indication that our Governments across Europe and North America have failed us miserably. The river cobbler aka Panga is filleted and frozen in modern factories that are of an extremely high standard and they use clean drinking quality water to wash the fish during the process. If so many fish were so contaminated why are they so healthy. Aquaculture is damaging to the environment and if you want to complain about it carry on but I do suggest that you research things a little more before you explain the implications of badly cooked fish. In fact there are many food products that contain toxic and heavy metals causing bad health to us. Lauren Antony from Lanarkshire emailed us to see if we could investigate this further and enlighten the nation, so we had a go. I just discovered all the negative PR surrounding the Cobbler fish after being curious after buying it at Tesco. still come from vietnam (especially the very white fillets). Appalled: right motive, dishonest (or foolishly researched) article. I was so interested in this new fish I looked it up on the internet and found this site. A lot of the problem is in peoples minds. If its being grown in Britain we are on to a winner. These poor countries are trying to get some level playing field through WTO and NAMA. I have been in the aquaculture industry for more than 10 years (tilapia, bangus, catfish, etc. I do not see third world nations devouring what we do in consumables, but we are happy that they make them for us, and we know exactly how much in wages they are paid and in what conditions they live and work. New item on the menu: Fresh crap with brown sauce. Since than I would never eat that fish again. It has been written by European and Western fishing industry protectionists who want you to buy their more expensive fish rather than the cheaper imported product. if you can open a bank account and send me your details we will split the 30 million. Cobbler is ace yummy i love it never been sick all our food now a days is poisioned with some thing. I will continue to eat it and am happy to have found a fish that replaces the once common but now expensive alternatives. The first time they told us it was gastroenteritus but could find no sign in the tests they did. I have been eating Cobbler for several months now, smoked and unsmoked, without ill effects. My meal came bundled with the price of the hotel room. Some people do not spend an evening checking out what you say but take it at face value. What about the chicken in the market then. He has never suffered any ill effects from this. I think the biggest point is these people should learn to cook food. there will be more for the rest of us. My guess is it is some kind of chemical poisoning. Same for Pangasius bocourti (called Basa in the US). I think personally that Tesco are now to large an organisation to trust. It helps for male and female fish to harmonize the spawing time only. The pangasuis present nothing specialy alarming compare to other products ( fish, meat, milk, bread or whatever you may eat) so I really do not see why scaring people with your talk and puting picture that were not all responding to anything bad in the documentary. Its not even an actual document, just a blog posting. And if you are wondering, I do not have anything to do with the the Association or the fishing industry. Just discovered river cobbler at Tesco and cooked it tonight with lemon and butter in the oven. In the Philippines, the goal of the aquaculture industry is to first, provide the country with top quality products at affordable prices. And as for it being less than perfect meat, well let me break some news here: nothing we eat is perfect. The factories have to meet the same high standards that we require of our UK factories and they have all been independently audited and approved. half an hour even less after eating this meal it started. It would appear TESCO have had no other complaints about this fish,and as I am unable to prove it was the fish that made myself and daughter ill,they will not persue the matter further. Fish can survive appalling levels of pollutants, levels that would kill other creatures quickly. I came across a few different website including this one. The Dukan diet is a low-carbohydrate (carb), high-protein diet. As any fishing production or any industrial production you always have to check where your product come from and what is it in it. I am about to make a fish pie with the rest so fingers crossed. only after i looked inside the fich using amicroscope in my school,i saw a lot of bacteria in it, YUCK. I have to say that this article seems to say a lot about aquaculture without knowing the facts behind the industry. )and you may have started buying locally grown CREAM DORY fillets (a yellower shade fillet). We informed the boss already, but apparently they just kept selling it. It is a wholley different case to deal with a perceived problem and present an alternative. All shipments out of Vietnam gets tested for anti-biotics, salmonella, E. My wife serve this with vegies soup dish and perfect. The 1st cobbler was smoked and from Asda. To avoid ill health, I suggest that we eat more fruits and vegetables every day. This fish has certainly a lower level of heavy metal than tuna. The customers come back time and time again and the buy three or four fillets at a time. I bought 8 frozen fillets of Youngs Vietnamese Basa fish from my local Farm Food store in January this year and my husband and I had half of them baked with a soy sauce and salad. My family has been eating this fish often twice weekly (both standard and smoked) for a long time. I suppose that as the end of the day you have to make a life choice on balancing your moral beliefs with you income and nutritional necessities. I know that there were Eight key issues were identified during the first meeting of the Pangasius Aquaculture Dialogue back in 2008. I have a seafood restaurant in the U. The fish has to be processed and packed in strict HACCP environments, not riverside shantytown workshops the report is leading us to believe. In fact, if you check this out in your local pharmacy, this is actually a drug used to induce pregnancy in humans. After trying the fish and asking my wife to taste it, I realised this was no Haddock and asked the waitress what it was, she replied a Vietnamese Fish called Pangus. Using dehydrated fish parts to feed fish is not uncommon. My husband ate the same but it did not affect him. It seems if someone reads something about bad food, the minute they eat it they feel sick, its all mind over matter, if you convince yourself your getting ill from the fish because you read somewhere that you would, your brain is going to make you believe it. I hope the information provided here will serve as very important information for you and your future choices. I was going to have it for dinner tonight and was looking for some ideas how to cook it.

What you have is due to overzealous fishermen in Europe decimating the fish stock there, they are now turning to other areas of the worl, and what will the result of that action. As so many demonstrate by their comments they just want cheap food. The major business of Mekong delta is agriculture. It was flavoured with Dill and I thought it was very good. This article is a pile of old pants and should be confined to the waste basket. I keep 5 hens and they feed my family of 4 and I know what they have eaten, including the maligned Lumbricus terrestris et al, which is entirely natural. FDA registered, highly laborious process to keep facilities clean and the finished product is very high quality. I do not have any alergy at and all fishes I have eat so far were OK. I ate this fish several times, and felt slightly ill only once. We shall never be eating this fish again. The above is an ad (from one of the large supermarket chains in France) for the fish known as Pangas (also called, Pangasius, Vietnamese River Cobbler, Basa Fish and White Catfish, Tra, Gray Sole). Same goes for Pangasius pangasius (called Ponga in the US). Fish on the other hand, especially catfish like cobbler, mostly eat fish anyway, its perfectly healthy. Fish is a the only natural source of protein for other carniverous fish. That alone makes me wonder how true some of the stories surrounding this fish are. I think this is scare mongering on a huge scale. I hope above information would explain itself about the propaganda material against our Pangasius fish. I at every time but i am not sick. Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto YOU. Many of the diets listed here are quick fixes and may not be sustainable or healthy in the long term. Just come back from 3 days away at a Haven holiday camp with my family. I ate it at lease 5 times over the past few months and had no side effect so far. I would consider the facts presented by a fish or food expert as the best way to furnish myself with the truth. If anybody is thinking of chucking there fish in the bin let me know and i will gladly pick it up for FREE. Although our local aquaculture industry is starting to be successful in commercial scale production of Pangasius (cream dory, basa, river cobbler, etc. What they were probably smelling was Ammonia, which is given off when any fish starts to rot. Bought smoked cobbler last week for first time for hubby. Condensed Knowledge - April 5, 2009 - Lists - Raoul Pop Says. As many people have pointed out this fish is no better, or worse, than most of the food you can buy in a supermarket. The suspiciously low price led me to investigate. I have never had or had complaint of illness after ingestion. However, in a very short amount of time, it has grown in popularity in France. If we have knowledge that the source of water is contaminated then all of us must avoid whatever fishes that swims in it at all cost and no matter how tasty the fish is on that plater. Maybe not so light as Salmon, but still healthy and delicious. Panga is safe to eat and free from the bacteria associated with food poisoning. Never herd of River Cobbler so i looked it up, I really feel ill at the thought that this fish can be harmful. If the source is contaminated then you can say that the chances of the fish being unsuitable for consumption is high. I live in Can Tho City, the center of Mekong delta areas. It is indeed isolated from the urine of pregnant women and are purified. I bought a fillet of river cobbler today and went on googleto find how to cook it and came across this article. Today 4th day after eating it is the first day I have not been sick. Pangasius and other omnivoires like tilapia are fed just soy feed and seem to grow well on it. I eat yoghurt a month after the sell by date, nothing wrong with it. Having looked up this fish, and stumbling over this site, to learn more about what my family and I are eating, I was amazed to see so many adverse comments presented as fact and reason for not buying this fish. The feed is of very high quality and its production (by large reputable specialist international companies) is heavily regulated and monitored. Dont be played for a fool by people who want you to buy their more expensive product. The reasons are that the Mekong River is one of the most polluted rivers on the planet and this is where pangas are farmed and industries along the river dump chemicals and industrial waste directly into it. I have had this fish twice and was violently sick both times. I accept the criticism that not everyone can keep chickens but we do all have choices. The first time we put it down to a stomach bug. Currently peru has one of the most sustainable and highest quality fisheries for anchovys and sprats (the dominant ingredient in fish meal). There has not been one reported incident of illness caused by this species. In the end I suppose you get what you pay for. So far, i already came up with 3 recipes, all of which my children love, but of course without signs and symptoms of them getting ill. Who was most impressed and has asked it be bought again. Result, fish in bin,and resolved to read the small print on ANY Tesco product and others. The fillets were edible from one end to the other, I never left a piece unlike the Cod which had poor shape and colour. They take great pains to bring the fish live to the plants to fillet. Pathetic. I ate it about ten hours ago and have had no adverse effects. I had a pangasius, potatoes and some salat for lunch. Fact: Although vietnam imports seem to be cheaper than locally produced fillet, their products are glazed during their freezing process so you are actually getting only 75 to 80% of the weight in actual meat. I eat it myself with a pepper-hoisin sauce after searing and baking. These reports show that the indicators on residue of heavy metals and fertiliser collected from 30 stations in the Mekong lower reaches are much lower than the international permissible level. We will certainly continue to enjoy it and ignore all this ridiculous scaremongering. 0 feed. And i have never had any problems with eating fish. I have emailed the Senior Aquaculture Advisor at the WWF, who have been in talks since 2008 to regulate the farming of pangasius. The river cobbler are farmed in the area where they are also caught in the wild. It makes me laugh that anyone who eats fish caught in the North Sea or the Mediterranean could imagine what they are eating comes from waters any less polluted than the Mekong, lol. River cobbler grows better in farms simply because it is fed consistently nutritious diets at the optimum feeding rate for growth without waste. (industrial effluents, arsenic, and toxic and hazardous by-products of the growing industrial sector, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), DDT and its metabolites (DDTs), metal contaminants, chlordane-related compounds (CHLs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), and hexachlorobenzene (HCB)). I know that Tesco regularly and thoroughly audit their suppliers for Quality Control and hygeine and that their suppliers know that if they do not meet the strict criteria on these terms they lose their contract. Finally, the internet is a wonderful place, with a wealth of information available for free. Tuna and many sharks, as an example, possess a real risk of mercury and other compounds because they eat fish that eat smaller fish, that eat smaller fish, that eat smaller fish and so on. All kinds of CRAP are selled and imported here and then these products can go everywhere in the EU, if they have the right documents. Because this is freshwater fish, not seafish, it does not smell or taste strong, if you CAN smell it then its been stored too warm and youd be stupid to cook and eat bad fish. The farms are much more efficient and use much less energy than fishing. River Cobbler is just a fish like other fishes, if you could eat fish you could eat River Cobbler. I will be writting to my local Tesco and asking them to investigate this fish and why they are still selling it. I am from the Philippines where this type of fish is selling abundantly in our big groceries. coli, aflatoxins, heavy metal contents, etc. This farming method have fed billions of Chinese and East Asians since God knows when. I bought this fish frozen from a Chinese food store. This site should be taken as info and not slated. The working conditions are very good and the rates of pay are higher than the alternative employment in the area. When you think about it the answer is quite simple and it is nothing to do with the ignorance of weasel who states that people should learn to cook. Will let you all know what ASDA said, and as I write, the oven timer is going off. We think we have got a good balance with river cobbler and our customers should not be concerned about the environmental costs. We find all customer feedback incredibly valuable as this helps us when we are looking at ways to make our service better. Never heard of River Cobbler before, even the name is a bit off putting. Maybe the problem is that these people have an allergy the same as shellfish which can affect lots of people. If you read something but dont know the source of the information then you should assume it isnt true. That is the source of water where they are bred and fed. Admittedly, there are some bad factories produce low quality Panga. 00 pm. Youngs told me they had received no other complaints with regard to this fish and suggested that I may have suddenly developed a fish allergy. Yes we need to mass produce food to feed our global population but there are better ways to feed ourselves than this. It is our interest to help removing dangerous products from the shelves. The second action aimed at deceiving customers in terms of labeling will be evaluated in the coming days. In recent years, spreading the Net wrong Czech language journal article allegedly written by the terrible Pangas captive in Vietnam, which is full of all possible residues of malachite green and hormones from outsiders. I had just put the smoked fish in the oven for poaching in milk when I remembered to look it up, I then took it out again after reading the article, after reading responses I thought what the hell and put the fish back in. As many others on this thread ate this fish for first time. Was poached in milk with mash and peas etc. The same thing happened once before after he had eaten river cobbler. The whole evening meal went straight in the bin. S. My daughter and I eat it at the same time and neither of us has ever been ill as a result of eating it. Recently, by the way, had to withdraw several products from the market because it was found that polyphosphates contain more than allowed. Governments spend more time taxing us than doing their job. At the end of the day the people writing bad comments are probebly animal rights campainers, i think you should worry more about kfc(who boil the birds alive and break their necks) than this fish. , and I know that standards are not as high as Europe in Asia etc. It is delicious when cooked thoroughly, and it is very easy to tell when it is cooked through, since it can be cut with a fork or spatula. It seems ludicrous to me that this island that once was largely self sufficient is now wasting oil, a finite resource, to ship a fish that should be feeding the hungry peoples in underdeveloped countries in a closer geographic region. I have been watching the link you posted, just to see if they are really saying something bad about it but there was no where any huge problem in the documentary. Tesco are bound to give favourable answer to protect themselves. PS NONE of the attendee have had any side effects whatsoever. I had a tumour in the bowel many years ago and suffer from bouts of diarrhoea, never once have I suffered after eating this fish, so I shall continue to eat and enjoy. I seem to be ok but I am really worried about her as she is 38 weeks pregnant. My main concerns are the farming conditions, the water purity and the fish feed. LMAO really think about what you are saying, anyway got to go cus i am cooking man o war for tea tonight for my family with a little poison ivy and toadstool. Many top brand supermarkets and stores use many sources like this for meat and fish products, open your eyes. Scaremongering or not, it so so swell we have the internet to find and eventually discuss topics like these. I have yet to see any evidence that the claims this article makes are true. I bought this fish today, again from Tesco, and have to see after cooking it properly, is a fabulous and value for money fish. Please dont listen to the rubbish spouted on here the fish is fine to eat and by god the best fish ive EVER eaten. I am a firm believer in having small quantities of good and bad, to build up the bodies resistance. She found that she became very ill within hours of eating. By generating a hysterical reaction, they hope to scare people away from a perfectly healthy and quite reasonably-priced product. Fingers crossed huh, MARIE (from a year ago. Returned it to bigT and had a full report made out, and Customer Service girl nearly threw up when she smelled it. The farming operation provides employment to many thousands of people who would otherwise not have the same quality of work and life. If the fishes are so dangerous as it is stated then how is it even possible that they are on the market all over the world. My 7 year old son loves it and never got sick from eating panga fillet. The fish tasted fine although a little bland as I chose to have it grilled without any oils or butter. Woke up in the morning with lower abdomen cramps and temperature high last night now had cramps for over 36 hrs i am going down to A and E Hospital in short while. We have eaten both plain and smoked Cobbler for several months now from T